Thursday, March 13, 2008

Accent libido. Young appraised uncompleted.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

La línea estatal. Un estado sublime a lado de uno decrépito. Y separado por el agua jabonosa y charcos de refrescos diluidos por el vinagre. Nos servían el café tibia y aunque estuviéramos jodidos no lo aceptábamos. De un lado amarilo y del otro también. Hace falta la plática entre los perros de allá y de acá. Siempre el miedo a caer sobre el hueco y no saber subir otra vez. El ruidoso tormento ensordeció las sirenas y ahora hasta el canto se ha agotado.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The hem was frayed by years of abuse. What had been presumed sturdy tore at the seams. We took our patterns for granted and by the end it was too late. I suppose we could have been friends if I had learned to buy presents for birthdays. Afterwards I left and the border guards detained me on a white plastic chair. The night before the chair had stood in for a stool as the guard had hung his son's piñata from the highest tree in the yard. An oak. His pants ripped at the crotch as he stepped down.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Traveling makes unforeseen impressions through sand. These living trails. This sage and lantana and sedum weren't leading out bodies to health. I dreamed of passageways leading up over the old passes through the sierras. Remember how that lady had those aluminum earring at half price and how the picture of the woman waiting for the company bus reminded you of your mother. It for me too. How walking made the feet sing. Moreso wail. We all participated in our precinct conventions this year no matter our affiliations, or at least the citizens amoung the collective. Then sunlight illuminated the plastic in ways branches could not explain. Cracked sidewalks below fragile wind-up nuns from overseas and an orange neon Filet-O-Fish. No commercialization is beneficial they said. Or was. And still we walked.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lo que le da ganas a uno de salir a la calle. Lo que nos urge al final de cuentas. La cantidad de cosas que recordamos. Todo lo que se queda en los bolsillos después de la inundación. El temor a la lengua es el mismo que le anima a tocar la piel húmeda. Las esposas en la playa solas miran el puesto del sol. Vagan sus maridos buscando puertos más arriesgados. Lo que le saca a uno de sí mismo y nos une a todos.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Levitate pumps. Leviathan pampers. Leave and top and pee. Leaf ant a pound eyes. Left on a pantry is. Leavened pomp is.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Slate of Clean

A part of the world that exists. Access points to a new field. Want the child to make sacrifice. An image of skills and criticism. Encouraging explorations. An invitation to start seeds. Bigger than the tours. Well fed and naptime. Soak every inch up. Focus in on him and up until noon. Happier and less frustrated.

Monday, March 3, 2008

We are all have all been wrong. We invent failing methods of language and expression. We trip and fall unmeaning. We rig traps in musty places where intruders would be should have been welcome.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

This is not a poem. Doesn't move like a poem or breathe like one. Doesn't leave marks in the sand at sunset or even flow correctly. If anyone called it a poem or a made a reference to it as one, they would be wrong. No metric no rhythm no rhyme no commentary in verse nothing that would make anyone call it a poem. Doesn't even know clearly what are verses or syllabics or any of these permutations. Look a conclusion an argument and scarcely any awareness of language. Not reflexive or referential in that way of a poem. No rules are being broken or made. Not referencing a millenary tradition of poetic innovation or form. A total unawareness of what its origins or partners in crime could be if. Definitely not a poem. Words and then kind of sentences and perhaps a paragraph. But yet it is written. And read.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Specify your experiences and make details about all that is now faded and peeling. Hold the mercy of returning finches cardinals the power of early March fronts petals of rose and hibiscus scattered on concrete. Make space for fresh dandelion greens born of concrete cracks. Hollow out a nook for seeds and fragile new growth yellowing and blossoming in these early days. That dirt and moistness makes choices possible.